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What is Self-compassion?
Many of us have brutal self-talk when we do something less than perfect. That inner voice can be very harsh, even downright mean. Sometimes the shame demons, as Brené Brown calls them, are relentless as they pounce—from the inside—at the slightest misstep. When the shame demons or the inner critic lines up the firing squad, self-compassion steps in, as if to says, “I’m here. You’re ok. You are safe. You are loved. We’ll make it through this together.” Self-compassion is recognizing you need a [...]
Can Love Motivate Violence?
Is it possible to feel such deep love for a human being or an animal, to the point that if they were harmed, we would wish to seek vengeance on the perpetrator? The easy answer is yes. The more complex answer is no. Let me explain…on the surface it seems as though our love is propelling us to avenge our beloved who has been harmed but is it really love? Chris Hedges writes, “The initial selflessness of war mirrors that of love, the chief [...]
When do we know when we are acting with compassion or caught by giving too much?
The key to knowing we are acting with authentic compassion is that after we finish with our compassionate act, no matter how small, we feel energized, inspired, or fed from the inside. Often authentic compassion feels like a spiritual experience. For me, I feel energized and excited to the point where I immediately beginning looking for another meaningful encounter to experience. Authentic compassion brings a reflective perspective to our own lives and often puts our problems and self-pity in check—it gets us out of [...]