What is self-esteem? What is self-esteem vs ego esteem? Can we have too much self-esteem? Does too much self-esteem make us too self-focused and involved?
Self-esteem is the relationship we have with ourselves. It is an inner-state of acceptance and okness about who we are—no matter what may arise. Self-esteem is closely tied to what we believe we are worth, regardless of how much money we make or how important we are from the world’s perspective—it is our inner value. Self-esteem is what’s left after we strip away all the houses, cars, big screen TV’s, vacations, money, power, beauty, athletic ability or whatever else. The self-talk that happens in your mind after a hardship or failure is often telling of the shape of our self-esteem. For example, if I fail to close a new deal at work a healthy self-esteem might say something like, “Wow that’s really disappointing. What could I have done better? What did I do well? Did I spend enough time preparing? Did I have the right information? Would it have been more effective for me to bring in Jeremy who is an expert in this area? What can I do next time to work [...]